Geriatric Care Management
One of the most fulfilling services Gwen offers (and the inspiration for her upcoming book, No Place Like Home,) is her expert Geriatric Care Management for individuals, children, spouses, and loved ones of geriatric patients. This ranges from bespoke care plans and evaluations to one-on-one visits and advice and ongoing management of other home services and care services. She has been an advocate for keeping your loved ones in their homes and as independent as possible for decades. Our elderly loved ones aren’t the “old” of yesterday and shouldn’t be treated as such. Technologies and advancements in care and accessibility mean that, even if you can’t physically be there to help, Gwen and her team can.
The infinite unknowns of what to do as your loved one is aging can be daunting. Whether you’re at the beginning or in the trees, we can help you (and maybe even more importantly) we can help them.